I feel I have to republish this diary because of the revelation of the Rupert Murdoch Newscorp empire' hacking into British private citizens messages. They even went so far as to delete them.
I am not surprised by this. I thought all along that Karl Rove, Wall St. the National Chamber of Commerce, Wall St., the Koch brothers, Boehner and NUMEROUS other Republicans especially Tea Partyers were involved in WATERGATE LIKE ACTIVITIES IN ORDER TO WIN THE 2010 ELECTIONS!
Now, the FBI has been brought in to find out if Murdoch was involved with using Watergate type methods to tamper with private citizens in the United States.
Please re-read this diary and think about what I wrote.
This past year some of us on this site have been yelling out loud about there being a takeover in this nation by certain individuals ie Tea Partyers, Republicans like Mitch McConnell and Sarah Palin; with the help of the Corporate owned Media. We ranted about how the news stations were only telling one side of the story, how they kept the Tea Party the topic of discusstion hour after hour and day after day.
We noticed when the likes of Joe Scarborough would begin each morning with his diatribe against any black man in the news. We noted how he was sure to bring President Obama's name up in relation to any problem in this nation and the world. He still does. He makes every statement or action of the President subject to scrutiny. Eventually he got the thing he worked so hard for. He got the Tea Party in control of the House of Representatives. He succeeded in placing this nation's welfare back in the hands of a bunch of incompetents.