Yesterday, I happened to listen to local news, which I dont often do, and noticed how they were giving poll results. The poll results read like this; 4 in 10 approval for Obama, 31% approval for Dems, 23% approval for Republicans.
I thought why do they have two separate way of showing the approval percentages. Why wouldnt they write 40% approval for Obama. It dawned on me that already the news media are into trying to diminish the approval ratings for the President.
Even on McLaughlin, he was asking whether blacks were turning against President Obama. He had some polls showing his approval at 50% among blacks. I dont believe those polls. I think they rigged the question in some manner.
I remember in 2004 elections, I believe, a number of journalists were BUSTED FOR TAKING MONEY FROM REPUBLICANS for advocating republicans policies ie Medicare Part D. Armstrong Williams being one of them having take 250,000 dollars for his advocation of the Bush Medicare Bill.
It seems to me that they are at it again. I DO BELIEVE THAT THEY ARE PASSING OUT THE KOCH BROTHER AND KARL ROVE MONEY EARLY! They are getting the jump in order to help out these lunatic Tea Baggers bullsh-t the nation into going along with their rape and pillage of the nation.
Democrats need to get on the ball. We need to let the DNC chairman that she is going to be LATE to the party like Tim Kaine was when Scott Brown was elected in Massachusetts. These crazy Tea Partyers and Republicans are doubling down on all their dirty tricks because they have the money.
We democrats better get busy and start collecting donation with a fierceness because the republicans are going at it full tilt. I am a fixed income senior but I am donating my little bit. I do intend to donate more than once. At least a little every month. We had better do it because if we dont and another republican gets in the White House or gets control of the senate WE ARE THROUGH.
You know they are going to repeal every single bill that Democrats passed, beginning with Obamacare and reinstating DADT. They are going to go after reversing the Gay marriage bill in New York as a perk to the Religious Right. We have so many of these right wing nutball parties to contend with, it seems overwhelming but we better get busy and git on the good foot. Otherwise, they are going to make mincement of all the Democratic policy gains.
I think the first thing we need to do is stop being afraid of their names they make up. If they make up one like Obamacare, we need to adopt it and call it Obama's Good Care or Your Obamacare. James Brown took the heat out of being called black with a song. I'm Black and I'm Proud. He changed the whole outlook of every black person and the nation. Now, its pc to be called black. Black folks WANT to be called black.
We have to do the shas ame about Obamacare and Liberal. When the corporate owned media tries to give Dems a putdown we need to name and claim. Being a Liberal Democrat is a fine thing. Being a Liberal for liberty, espcially civil liberty cant be sneered at.
Democrats really have a job to do. This weekend Debt Ceiling ruckus has really made me want to act to change this government. These maniac tea baggers have to be stopped or we are finished as a nation.
I surf the web alot and I happened to pass this site where they had an article about a Russian professor called Panarin, I believe. He had predicted that the United States would disintegrate like the Soviet Union. I had never heard this before and I would have thought him a joke except for what was taking place before my eyes in Congress.
It is not an impossibility for his prediction to come true. We are in a terrible state and we could tumble into the abyss at any time now. The nation is truly in a state of deliberate chaos and we CANNOT ALLOW THE TEA PARTY REPUBLICANS TO MAINTAIN THEIR SEATS IN CONGRESS AND DEFINITELY NOT ALLOW MORE TO BE ELECTED.
The only way to do this is to BLOCK the effects of corporate money by raising a BILLION OF OUR OWN IN SMALL AMOUNTS. Plus do the footwork door to door with fliers telling people what Tea Baggers are really about. We also need to have money to give to local churches and even volunteers to buy gas to take the seniors for the IDENIFICATIONS REQUIRED BY THIS RED STATES. If we help the churches with money specifically to get the people registered, I BELIEVE THAT WE CAN BEAT THE REPUBS AT THEIR OWN GAME.
Remember, during the Civil Rights days, the people came fromt the north and literally took the people step by step through the process. We have to do that again. There are still some groups from the old days who really are willing to get involved again. We have to find them and get them to help us.